Under 13.5s (boys and girls) Year 7 & 8
For players born between 1st July 2010 – 30th June 2012
Duration 16 weeks, plus final series,
4x 15 min qtrs, 18 players- a-side
Games played mostly Sunday mornings between 9am and 12pm.
Competition Season Start Date: 21st April 2024
Preseason training starts late January 2024, including possible practice games
Training times: TBC (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Cost $292.00 which includes a FREE training shirt, team photos and end of season trophy
Every player is required to wear red socks, Eels blue (home) club shorts and Eels white (away) shorts. Playing jersey will be supplied
Training shirts, polos and other merchandise are also available to purchase
Each team will need to provide parent volunteers in the following roles:
Team Manager
1x Team Runner
2x Water runners
First Aider(Home games only)
Ground Marshall(Home games only)
Goal Umpire
Time Keeper(Home games only)
Score board attendant(Home games only)
Online Registrations are now open: